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a woman standing in front of a museum with statues John (Nepos, le-Neve, or the nephew, sacerdotis de Ingworth) was the ancestor of the Le Neves of Ingworth and Banningham; John le Neve of Ingworth, in 1267, was a man of fortunes and observe; in 1297 Emma his widow lived right here, and John their son in 1282, and their posterity increased and dispersed much in these components. In 1510, Richard Mey of Aylesham gave to the church of Ingworth a meadow lying in Blickling, on the south-west a part of the church of Ingworth, abutting on Ingworth-common north, after the demise of Agnes his wife, on this situation, “that the chirch reevys shall find the shaftale, that is to say, to them that cume in procession to the aforesaid chirche of Yngworth, on the Monday on the rogacion dayes sufficiently; additionally I will that he that shall make the sermon that day, shall have of the said medow iiij.d. to pray for my sole and my wyvys.” (Regr. Or the outdated town, hath its church devoted to St. Peter and Paul; its tower is sq. and hath three bells; the nave and two transept chapels are leaded, and the chancel is tiled. In 1478 John Heydon of Baconsthorp died seized of three of the 4 manors on this town, viz, Saxlinghams, Olton’shall, and Leeches.

123, 33) of the entire city, and the nice tithes of all of the lands, except those belonging to, or held of the manors of Saxlingham’s and Leeche’s in this city, and all the great tithes belonging to them, were to be the canons, who have been to repair the chancel always; and it appears that the brook between Olton and Irming and parted these villages; Thomasde Blumville Bishop of Norwich consented to the impropriation of it about 1285. The vicars that I’ve met with follow. Bromhill priory had lands here, and the Abbot of Bury’s manor in Aylesham, referred to as Sexton’s, prolonged hither, and the sacrist of that monastery was taxed at 27s. 5d. for the half right here, which was added to, by Henry son of Agnes de Ingworth, Richard, one other of her sons, William son of Henry de Ingworth, Hugh Dean of Ingworth, William le Mey, Alice daughter of Henry de Ingworth, Robert son of Robert de Ailesham, and others. Reputation 43 Years and 16 Days, he married Alice the eight Daughter of Sir John Crofts of Saxham, in Suffolk, Knt.

Daughter of Sir John Crofts of Saxham in Suffolk, who lived a Virgin 20, a Wife 8, a Widow forty one Years 6 Months; beloved of the Poor, honoured of the Rich, and favoured of God; she left this Life Oct. 7, 1678, and left Executrix the precise Honourable the Ladie Anne, Relict of John Lord Lovelace, Baron of Hurley in Berks, and Daughter to the best Honourable Thomas Lord Wentworth, Earl of Cleveland, and Baron of Netlestead, and Anne his Countess, eldest Daughter of Sir John Crofts, and Sister to the interred; In Memory whereof she hath laid this Stone, and with the Deceased, thro’ the Merits of Christ, expects a Resurrection. Crofts of Suffolk, or, three bulls heads coopè sab. 1, Here laye Edmund Bell, and Katherine his spouse, Whoe thirty Six years, did live Man and Wife, They had three Sons, and Daughters three, Farewell! The town is within the dutchy of Lancaster, and there were previously three gilds here, of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin, and St. John Baptist. Here, for in 1440 John Canon and Alice his spouse, daughter and heiress of William Leeche, launched to Sir John Tudenham, Knt. James his son, with Alice his wife, offered a moiety of this manor to Thomas, son of Sir Roger Bacon, who annexed it to his manor of Baconsthorp-corridor: in 1378, the aforesaid Alice, relict of James Baconsthorp, was buried in the chancel of Welborn, by her husband, and made Sir Thomas Fastolf, Knt her executor.

John Heydon, the reversion of Leeche’s manor, after his mom’s dying; and in 1353 John Lynacre launched all his proper, to John Heydon, as did Agnes Bacon, late wife of William Leeche, and Nicholas, son and heir of John Canon and Alice his wife, daughter of the mentioned William Leche and Agnes Bacon, and Sir John Curson, Knt. I need point out no more of this manor, it having earlier than this time handed with Leeche’s manor in Cawston, as at p. There was an historical chapel right here, demolished in Edward the primary’s time; and in 1326 brother John de Ixning, preceptor or master of Kerbrook hospital, let the plat of ground belonging to his hospital called the Chapel Yard in Olton, and they had a manor here, which was purchased of the Crown by Sir Richard Southwell, and hath passed ever since with Carbrook-Woodhall, as at vol. Olton’s, Saxlingham’s, and Leeches, being joined, they’ve handed by means of the Heydons, &c. We’re terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we’re eaten up by nothing.” –Charles Bukowski “I all the time really feel the same when I’ve a scorching and related take.


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