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Seele “It’s an enormous mistake to assume individuals only defend the rich as a result of they think one day they may be wealthy. Conservative girls do not defend the patriarchy as a result of they assume sooner or later they will be males. They accomplish that because they imagine in a pure hierarchy. People defend the wealthy as a result of they consider in a society of masters and servants. That’s it. Look on the Elon Musk fanboys. They do not want to be in cost themselves, they need Elon Musk to be in charge and they need to serve him. So that they invent all sorts of mythology around him to justify his pure superiority and position. They desire a type of feudalism.” –Existential Comics “Printers can sense fear.” –Foone “War is a profanity because, let’s face it, you have bought two opposing sides trying to settle their differences by killing as a lot of one another as they can.” –Norman Schwarzkopf “Rival cults put the simp in sympathetic magic. The Church of the SubGenius practices pimpaesthetic magic.” –Dr. May 6, 2024: 🔖📚 Read What Eve L. Ewing’s Career Trajectory Tells Us About Black Women’s Place in Mainstream Superhero Comics by Ravynn K. Stringfield. This St. Alban is claimed to have suffered at a spot referred to as Holm-Hurst, near the historic Roman metropolis, referred to as Verulam, by the Romans, and Verulam-Ceaster, or Wat- ling-road, by the Saxons, before it had the title of St. Alban’s.

snow holiday love art St. Ives in Huntingdonshire, so called from a Persian bishop Ivo, whose relicks being right here found, (as is said,) about the yr 1001, its historical name being Slepe; and Slepe is said to come up out of the ruins of the Roman Ritomagus. Thus Peterburgh was first named Medeshamstede, standing on a river by the meadows; and St. Osyth, in Essex, was referred to as at first Chick, from the adjoining river: from these cases it’s plain, that the Saxons altered the ancient names of some towns, taken from their pure, actual site, and imposed new names on them, coined by the monks in their cloisters. Sirnames have been first assumed in France, concerning the year 1000, and had been local, taken from those towns, or locations, of which the persons who assumed them were lords and owners, and have been quickly after introduced into England. England before the reign of the Confessor, and that towns did not take their names from any lord or proprietor, however gave names to their lords. The HUAC hearings, where witnesses were pressured to “name names” of communists and communist sympathizers, mirror the climactic scene because the defeated slaves, ordered by Crassus to determine their chief from the multitude, individually stand up and proclaim, “I’m Spartacus”.

It is mostly open and a champain, and well-known for the quantity and sound feed of sheep, and known as South in respect of one other hundred of the identical title that lies in the north a part of this county. St. Neot’s, within the said county, on the elimination of St. Neot’s physique here, assumed his identify; the cloister-historians disagree about him, and the time whereby he lived; they assert him to have been one of many sons of Adulf, King of the West Saxons, and brother of King Alfred; whereas Alfred was the son of Athelwolph, King over the greatest a part of England, who died in the yr 857, and had no son named Neot, (because the Saxon chronicle proves; ) and this city was called Eynbury, or Eynolvesbury, before the time of this Neot; and we find Eynford, 100 in Norfolk, and Eynesham, a city in Oxfordshire. St. Alban’s, a town in Hertfordshire, the place Offa, the good King of the Mercians, founded a monastery in 793, which being devoted to St. Alban, (known as the Proto-Martyr among the primary Christian bishops,) assumed that title. Boxley in Kent, and Boxwell in Gloucestershire, thought to be so named from field trees, are wrote Buceslea, and Buceswella, one stand- ing on a winding stream, as has been above noticed; and thus Bokestede, or Boxstede, in Essex, on the river Stour;-and thus is it with Willoughby in Nottinghamshire, wrote on the Conquest Wil-ge-by, that’s by a effectively, or tremendous spring of water; Willy is a river, and a town in Wiltshire, and therefore comes Wilton and Wilford, &c.

Ely in Cambridgeshire.-Eu and ew, as Euston in Suffolk, Ewell in Surry, &c.-Guy and Wy, as Guyton, in Norfolk, Wye in Kent, &c. The Britons used several monosyllables, to indicate and express water;-a, ea, and e, as in Acle, or Akele in Norfolk, &c. The Britons had however one identify, and that not hereditary, as Arvi- ragus, Cingetorax, Taximagulus, Cassivellanus, well-known kings; Cuno- beline, the great King of the Iceni, had these three sons, Adminius, Caratacus and Togadumnus; and Androgeus was the son of Immanu- entius, King of the Trinobantes. Sigebert, Egbert, Edgar; Ethelwolph, the son of Egbert, (the nice West Saxon king,) succeeded his father, and left four sons, Ethelbald, Ethel- bert, Etheldred and Alfred, who have been all kings, of their order of the West Saxons. Among the chief nobility, Leofric Earl of Mercia succeeded by his son Algar, who was father of Edwin and Morker, two famous earls.-Godwin Earl of Kent had six sons, Swain, Harold, Ulnoth, Tosti, Guert, and Leofwine; and, at the sur- vey, we discover a large number of the Saxon thanes, and nobility, who were deprived of their lordships; as Thoke, Osmund, Bondo, Orgar, Edric, &c.


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