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a glass of orange drink sitting on top of a table Robert, his youngest, had his lands at Attleburgh, and went from thence into Suffolk about 1349, and was succeeded by Sir Anthony Spelman, his son, in 1391, whose son and heir, Robert Spelman, Gent. 1588, and Thomas Thetford, in 1592, to Francis Thetford, and Thomas Jermy, Gent. 1460, as was Catharine, daughter of Thomas Styward of Swaffham in Norfolk, his first spouse, in 1432; by Maron his second spouse he had two sons, John and William, and by his first spouse two sons and two daughters; Katharine, married to William Clipesby of Clipesby in Norfolk; he died in 1441, and is buried at Askeby; and she remarried to Edmund Paston. Sir Peter de Hobbies was his son and heir, known as typically Sir Peter de Calthorp, steward or dapifer of the aforesaid abbey, who died about 1239, and was succeeded by Peter, his son and heir, by Maud his wife, who bought his right on this manor, with the reversion of his mom’s dower for forty marks of silver, to Walter de Calthorp, alias Suffield, Bishop of Norwich, and William de Calthorp, the Bishop’s nephew and heir, and also by advantageous conveyed to the Bishop the advowson of this church in 1246. The witnesses to Peter’s deed have been Sir Nicholas de Berningham, Sir Roger de Calethorp, Robert de Erpingham, &c.; and after the death of Peter, John his brother conveyed all his right to them.

Christian, daughter and coheir of Thomas Manning of Great-Ellingham in Norfolk, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Jenny, for whom see vol. In 1239, Agnes Livermere was found to hold the 3d part of a fee of Pain Tipetot, and he of the Lord Bardolph, that Lord of the Earl of Norfolk, and the Earl of the King in capite; in 1328, it was held by John Drayton, son of John de Drayton, and had been held by Peirs Rouchin and John Crane, and castle-guard, waytfee, &c. William’s land, who was lord of Brokenhurst in Hampshire; and in Testa de Nevil, he is alleged to hold Brokenhurst by the service of sending a servant with an habergeon for 40 days, in England, and to search out litter for the King’s bed, and hay for his palfreys, when he got here to Brokenhurst. Prior of Westacre was found to hold one knight’s price, here in pure alms of the Lord Bardolf, of the reward of the Narburghs, and in the 3d of Edward III. Lords Bardolph, and several other free tenants of the Prior are named in the said roll; on the Dissolution of the priory it came to the Spelmans, and a price farm rent of 1l. 5s. 7d. per annum is paid for it.

Sexual offenders and predators are required to register both two or 4 occasions a 12 months based mostly on their offense which permits the unit to see them at the least six to eight instances every year. 1st, Peter Spelman of Brokenhurst, who died without problem in 1290, and made his two sisters his heirs; Maud, married to John de Grymsted, and Catherine to Richard de Testwood, who carried off Brokenhurst, and the chief part of the previous property of the family. William his son and heir, lord of Brokenhurst, who married Maud, daughter of Sir William de Sarum, Knt. John Spelman, the eldest, was the first of the household that was lord of Bekerton manor in Stow (see vol. John, the eldest, lived at Bekerton, and was in most of the commissions for the county, by the identify of John Spelman of Stow, Esq. Henry Spelman of Stow, the eldest, built the outdated part of Bekerton-Hall, or Spelman’s Place, as in vol. Spelman’s Place in Stow. April 23d, 1730, the Rev. Mr. Edward Chamberlain, A. M. the present rector, is rector of Scoulton, and of the sinecure rectory of Gedney in Lincolnshire.

Katie Akin (April 20, 2023) Des Moines Register. The name and household of Spelman, is of great antiquity; in the Register of Missenden abbey in Bucks, fol. Leigh. In the great parlour, azure, an eagle displayed or, Shuldham, and barry of six arg. São Francisco, considered one of the great rivers of Brazil, for probably the most part navigable; rises in the SW., near the source of the Paraná, and flows N., NE., and SE. The ancient seat of the Spelmans stands about a furlong east of the church, and is named Narburgh-corridor; it’s for probably the most half constructed of stone and brick, and has had a moat about it; it was erected by Judge Spelman within the time of Henry VIII. The transitioning little one/youngsters should be offered the chance to go to the brand new house with a well-known caregiver/teacher with enough time to allow them to display comfort in the brand new house.


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