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Here likewise is deposited the Body of Sir Nicholas Garrard Bart. Children who all died Infants, besides only two Daughters, Alathea married to Sir Francis Bickley of Attleburgh within the County of Norfolk Bart. He married Mary Jennings, a lady of exemplary Piety and Virtue, by whom he had many youngsters, several of which died young, four only surviving, Thomas, Jacob, Isaac and Mary, the Eldest Son Thomas succeeded his Father in Honour and Estate, the 2 youthful Married but left no surviving Issue, Mary the Daughter, married with Richard Berney of Reedham in the County of Norfolk Esq. 3d Son of Sir Thomas Garrard, he succeeded his Father in Title and Estate, lived infinitely beloved, and died equally lamented with out Issue, the 11 of March, Ano Dni. 1462, Thomas Skoot, by lapse. 1456, Robert Heycock, by lapse. 1450, John Cok, by lapse. 1360, John Winter, by John de Boyton. 1311, John de Boyton, offered by Sir William de Boyton.

Sir John Heveningham, Knt. Here lieth the Body of Sir Nicholas Garrard Bart. Sir Thomas Garrard Bart lies, (as also doth Sarah his Wife,) near this Place, she was the one Daughter and Heiress of Nicholas Bermen of Peason-corridor within the County of Suffolk Gent. PILOT SUES, SAYS Wife Is actually BRENDA ALLEN A crop-dusting pilot has filed a complaint in Los Angeles court docket seeking annulment of his marriage to a protracted Beach girl whom he accused of being Brenda Allen, infamous Los Angeles vice queen of the 1940s. Robert Henry Cash, 41, charged that his spouse, Marie 40, had misrepresented herself to him before their May 1 marriage as “a legislation-abiding trustworthy, respectable and honorable girl.” She was a former prostitute and a former madam of prostitutes and had been formerly generally known as Brenda Allen ‘The Queen Bee of Los Angeles Prostitutes,’ the complaint stated. 1400, John Spyllemere. Robert de Ashfeld. John Bradewell, rector, died. The Lady Wiche introduced an motion within the King’s Bench in opposition to the parson of St. Margaret’s church in Lothbury, London, for that the said parson had taken away a coat armour and certain penons, with the arms of Sir Hugh Wiche, her husband, (as soon as Lord Mayor of London, who died the seventh of Edward IV.) and a sword out of the chapel where he was buried: the parson pleading that these arms, &c.

Children, who all died Young; and Sarah married Charles Downing Esq; Comptroller of his Majesty’s Customs, third Son of Sir George Downing of East-Hatley in the County of Cambridge, Knight and Baronet, by Francis Howard, Grand-Daughter of the right Honourable the Lord William Howard of Naworth within the County of Cumberland, by him the said Sarah hath had a number of Children, of which the only Survivor is Jacob-garrard Downing, Esq; Jacob Garrard died in the Life time of his Father Sir Thomas Garrard, and is together with his deceas’d Children interr’d on this Chancel. Jacob, Nicholas and Mary surviv’d: Mary married with Samuel Kerridge of Shelley-Hall within the County of Suffolk Esq; she departed this Life in April 1702, and is likewise interred in this Chancel; Jacob the Eldest married Abigail Daughter of Sir John Holland of Quidenham within the County of Norfolk Bart. Near this Place lye interr’d the Remains of Sir Jacob Garrard, (eldest Son and Heir of Thomas Garrard, Esq.

Sir Jacob, the other of Sir Thomas Garrard, Barts. Garrard, az. two lions guardant and combatant arg. 1727, abandoning him his disconsolate Widow Dame Cecilia Garrard, only Daughter of Sir Edwin Stede of Stede-Hall within the County of Kent, by Cecilia Daughter of Sir William Clard of Ford in Wreatham in the identical County, which Dame Cecilia Garrard to perpetuate the Memory of her Dear and totally beloved Husband, together with his worthy Ancestors, hath in Duty and Respect, as much as in obedience to his Desire, caus’d this Monument to be erected. Against the north wall of the chancel is a very large and costly monument of marble and alabaster raised altarwise, and with a back or wall-piece; on the body of it lies on a mat the effigies of Sir Nicholas Garrard in full proportion on his right facet, and leaning on his proper hand, in the gown and habit of an previous Roman; at his again is a pedestal, and on that an urn with a flame, &c.


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